Friday, September 2, 2011


Yesterday was somehow the worst possible day that we could've picked to start this challenge.

A co-worker of mine recently gave his letter of resignation and yesterday was his last day. As is customary with employee's last-days, work had a lunch for him at The Iron Duke pub. We get there, I'm starving, and all I can think about is how I'm going to stuff my pie-hole with more sweet potato fries than any mere mortal has ever stuffed into any pie-hole anywhere...

I had the salad.

And the salmon wrap... Which I was actually rather disappointed in to be honest. The service was also bad and very slow but that's beyond the point.

I played baseball last night as well. The team we played was Boston Pizza, and there was a deal made: If we beat them, we get free pizza from Boston Pizza. So I'm thinking okay is this actually happening right now? We won. Originally I hadn't intended on going to BP but I drove home, dropped Lindsay off (apparently Big Brother is cooler than Boston Pizza.. who knew?) and made the trek out there.

So I get there, order a beer and start chatting it up. The pizza comes out, and it's amazing how you don't realize how much people want you to eat with them until you're not eating with them. I respectfully declined the free pizza and even after multiple attempts from a myriad of teammates, I didn't cave. Chalk a 'W' on the score-card for this guy.

About 15 minutes later I see a waitress carrying two plates of obviously-succulent, entirely-too-delactable deep-fried chicken wings. Then another waitress with two plates of Thai chicken bites. Then another waitress with a plate of nachos. It's like they know...

So after respectfully declining another round of really-friggin-awesome, I explained to my baffled teammates why I hadn't eaten anything from the pizza, two plates of wings, two plates of thai chicken bites and plate of nachos. They were actually really good about it.

I was also quite happy when I got home to have Lindsay tell me (with that cute look on her face... the one that melts your heart) that she threw out everything from our snack cupboard so she wouldn't be tempted to eat any of it. She ate broccoli and cauliflower instead. Wow.

Very difficult first day for both of us, but a win nonetheless.

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