Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Radisson

It's been a while since I last posted. Mostly because last week was an insane week of work. Everyone in development stuck around late every night to hit our Friday deadline.

I put in about 60 hours. A good thing about the company I work for is they (usually) will pay for your dinner if you work late. So since everyone was here, a lot of pizza was ordered most of the nights. Luckily it wasn't that Tata's crap they normally order. This was straight-up Pizza Pizza. Ever-so-delectable, mouth-wateringly tasty Pizza-Pizza...

So, Subway was fantastic.

One thing I've noticed in the past week or so is that I don't really crave cigarettes anymore. Although, every once in a while I'll get a whiff of one in passing that smells like heaven, but for the most part it doesn't really even bother me. I'll chalk that one up as a win as well.

On the night of our anniversary, Lindsay had surprised me at work and rented us a hotel room at the Radisson for the evening. The room was awesome. It was a junior executive suite, decked out with everything you could need in a hotel room. A long executive table, a flatscreen TV, a little desk to do stuff at if you had stuff that needed to get done. Oh and windows across two full walls. I'm going to post the pictures of it here when I can get them off the camera. It also had some stuff that you probably wouldn't need in a hotel room. Like a safe. And a sleep-number bed.

If you've never slept in a sleep-number, go ahead, try it; It's the only kind of bed in the world that comes with a customizable mountain range on one side and a pile of puddy on the other. You can literally roll from prison on one side to a pool on the other if you were so inclined. Oh you can switch them too with their handy-dandy remote that requires as little as a degree in astrophysics to use properly. So I guess what I'm trying to say is you probably don't want to use one of these beds. Although, we did have a pretty good laugh playing with the controls.

The rest of the room and hotel and experience was really, really great. That night we had the pool and hot tub/spa areas to ourselves, so that was nice. Lindsay also set us up breakfast in bed the next morning which I thought was awesome. Partly because I've never had a strange man in a blue robe bring me food while I was half-naked and still 99% asleep, but mostly because the food was really good and it was a thoughtful thing to do.

On the night of, I took Lindsay for dinner at Frankie Pesto's, seeing as how she'd never been there, and it's essentially right beside the Radisson. This is sort of where the portion control and stuff from my last post kind of breaks down a little. Frankie Pesto's gives you a pile of food. Most of it is greasy, cheesy, pasta sauteéd in butter and oils and other stuff that would tranquilze a nine-hundred-pound silverback gorilla. We both ordered one of those meals and it was pretty fantastic. The only down-side: Lindsay ordered a Sprite. However, because it was our anniversary dinner, we had both decided that it would be alright to let it slide this one time. Unfortunately though, strike-two for Lindsay.

Over the last few days, Lindsay and I have been talking about what we can do, aside from the challenge, to improve our health. So, me being me, I researched, analyzed, digested and understood most everything that I could find on the subject through some carefully targeted, well thought-out internet browsing (read: I Googled it). Most websites out there will tell you pretty much the same thing: "Don't eat fast food and don't drink pop.". Good thing for us, we're already doing that anyway. We've also agreed that we'd make a concious effort to make and plan our own meals, which I'm hoping will help us out with this whole portion-control dilemma. Now that both Lindsay and I have relatively stable nine-to-fives, I think I can safely assume it will be a marginally easier task. I hope.

Day twenty-two. I think we're doing quite well.

P.S.: If ever you're in room 236 at the Radisson in Kingston, the combination to the safe is "8882".

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