Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pepsi and Cigarettes

I just want a cigarette.

The last two weeks for me have been brutal. I didn't have that big of a problem with not smoking for the first 70 days or so. Sure it sucked and I had the cravings and whatnot, but now it's all I think about. The smell of a lit cigarette is like heaven for me all of a sudden. I'm probably sure, given the chance, that I'd graze like cattle in an ashtray... Yeah, there's not a chance in the nine-hells anyone would ever do that. I really want a cigarette though. I started going out on the balcony with my neighbour when he smokes and I haven't caved. Somehow.

I also seem to have some sort of  burning desire to drink a Coke. Or a Pepsi. Wherever your loyalties lie. I was at Walmart the other day and I saw a wall of those 710ml 6-packs of Pepsi (these glorious works of magnificence). It took a lot for me not to buy them, take them to the car and systematically guzzle them down like they were the last drinkable liquids on the planet. I generally don't get cravings for stuff (except cigarettes, of course), but for some reason I really, really want a Pepsi... They were on sale too.

We've gotten marginally better with eating out; I think we've only been out once in the past couple of weeks. We tried the new Milestones that opened downtown. The food was really good, the service was good, the atmosphere was good. It's a little pricey but I recommend trying it at least once. On that note, we've started to go back to eating subway for lunch quite a bit. I know I have. Lindsay works at the mall where there's a ton of food options in the food-court, so I'm sure she's probably in the same boat as me. Although, I think we're going to try again to do the whole lunch thing. For some reason, it's just hard. Who wants to try to find something to make for lunch every day? No one, that's who. Alright some people.. most people. I'm not yet among this elite group of lunch connoisseurs. 

My company had a lunch function yesterday. A "lunch and learn" I believe is what they were calling it. If you've never heard of this, or you have but have never had the wonderful pleasure of attending one of these, I highly suggest it. In terms of entertainment value, it's right up there with plucking out your eyelashes one by one with a seafood fork. But seriously, it would be more fun to pick out the crumbs from your keyboard and organize them from smallest to largest and by texture. Either way, lunch was free. I was stoked, I was ready. So, lunch hour rolls around and the pizza gets here. That's right. It was pizza. Needless to say I didn't do the lunch part. I also didn't learn a whole lot, other than standing for an hour and a half straight will get painful around the forty-five minute mark. No lunch, no learn, 0 for 2. I made an emergency trip to Pan Chancho bakery and had a sandwich.

We've put a lot of work into not eating after 8pm. I think we're doing relatively well, but we do still have a lot of work left. Oddly enough, if we do eat after 8, our portions are not too bad. It's a couple of walnuts or almonds, a granola bar etc... Sometimes it's not but I suppose it's still a lot better than a bunch of chocolate or chips. We'll get there. Unfortunately our portions are still somewhat large, but we're also improving (ever so slowly) there as well.

I haven't written since before Halloween, and I just wanted to add that we, quite easily, gave out candies and didn't even eat any. I remember at the start of this, I thought for sure Halloween would be the day we'd cave. Maybe not Halloween, but the day or week after. The chocolate and candy is always on sale. I didn't think we'd do it. Awesome.

Three quarters of the way to the end.

I just want a cigarette.


  1. Hey Bud I'm so proud of you's. not sure if you know it or not but i quite smoking also. you keed to try the nicorette inhalateur. thats what im using and it works. let me know how you make out or if you try it. love aunt Barb

  2. Hey there! I saw your blog on a thread (although I wasn't the OP of the particular thread I saw it on, I just decided to come visit too). Just thought I'd say hello.

    Cigarettes are my weakness too. Eurgh.
