Monday, October 17, 2011

Thanksgiving and the Prawns-a-Plenty Promotion

I think I'm just a procrastinator.

I mentioned in my last post that Lindsay and I had had our challenge success tested quite a bit. This week-or-so was no exception. In fact, we were probably tested more this week than we have in the past month.

Last week was Thanksgiving in Canada (I'm not sure how many, if any, American readers I have). Thanksgiving means pumpkin pie, apple crumbles, other pies, other crumbles etc... Well, and turkey of course. Lindsay and I went to her parents' place for dinner on Sunday. So, here's the thing: In the contract we didn't really make a stipulation about pie. Or desserts of any kind for that matter. So, despite our best efforts in the contract creation, we've actually come across quite a few gray areas that we're just not sure of. For example, we've specified "no pizza" in the contract, but does that then mean that we can't go and buy a pizza-bun from Loblaws? Can we just buy the cheese-bun (which is essentially a pizza-bun minus tomato sauce)? We've erred on the side of caution when it comes to most of the gray areas.

Anyway, more about pie. I was in the laundry room with Lindsay at her parents' place (they're so awesome that they let us do laundry there), and she asked me "What about pumpkin pie? Can we have pumpkin pie?". She kinda ninja'd me a little on that one; I didn't know the answer. On one hand, it's a baked good (which I'm not even entirely sure there's a stipulation in the contract for either), but on the other hand, we mentioned nothing about pies in there either. My equally diplomatic and tacful response: "It's your contract too, you do whatever you want to do.".  She didn't eat any of the pie. We're coming up on the half-way mark of the challenge and this proves to be another reason why we've done so well. Both of us are easily able to say no to stuff that we feel would be a violation of the contract. Worlds ahead of where we were on day one.

With the good always comes some bad. Last night we went to Red Lobster to celebrate Lindsay's mom's birthday. They have a deal going on there right now where you can order one of 5 shrimp dishes and you get unlimited "refills" of any of the dishes after that. This is appropriately titled "Endless Shrimp". How original. I'd have called it the Prawns-a-Plenty Promotion. Just sayin'.

Just go to go off on a side note here, the Endless Shrimp deal is awesome. However, the way they have it set up is somewhat annoying. You order 2 shrimp dishes, they come with some sides (the sides don't matter), and you can order more shrimp until you can't possibly eat shrimp anymore. The problem with it is this: You have to wait order "refills" until after your previous order has come out. So I can't tell my server "Can I please have...  um....... nine..... of the garlic ones?". Now, this may not seem all that annoying, but it still takes the same amount of time to come out as waiting for your initial order. So if the restaurant is relatively busy (it was last night), you have to wait quite a while. Oh, and unlike your initial order, you can only order one shrimp dish refill at a time. Don't get me wrong though, the shrimp was delicious. Ahem, back on track.

I placed my initial shrimp order for their Sweet and Spicy Shrimp, and an order of their straight-up Hand-Breaded Shrimp. We wait a while and everything comes out. At this point I'm famished so I devoured my spicy shrimp skewer with record-setting haste (I was supposed to share with Lindsay but I'd forgotten in a fit of starvation-induced frenzy). After that, I start, with relative humanity this time, on my hand-breaded shrimp. After eating a few of them I decided I'd actually took a look at one of them. Dammit... they're deep-fried... So I delegated the remainder of them to the others at the table. They accepted with great haste (who would say no to shrimp?). Although, that's a minus one for me. I slipped. My bad. The rest of the meal/evening was great, there were pictures, cake and good times.

A few weeks ago I made the decision to start going to the gym and working out. I figured if I was doing this challenge which was forcing me to (sort of) eat healthier/not as poorly, I might as well try to make some other improvements to myself as well. I went online and found a decent beginner workout, which I found here for anyone who wants to know. It's been about 2 weeks and I've noticed some really great improvements already. I'm able to run a seven and a half minute mile as opposed to the eleven minutes it took the first time I ran it, which would have never happened had I not quit smoking, I'm lighter than I've been since I was in highschool and I'm now actually motivated enough to go to the gym regularly. It's awesome.

I think I'd mentioned in a previous blog post that I'd wanted to start taking a picture a day of myself for the duration of the challenge. Well, I finally started that (I know, day fifty right?) and I'm about a week or so in. At the end of the challenge, I'll post the results in a slideshow or youtube video or something. I hope to keep that going for longer than the duration of the challenge.

Day 47. Almost half-way.

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